Friday, December 17, 2010

Egad! I have NWS

Well, I've been working through some stuckness in  my novel writing and have discovered that I have a terrible disease.  I have NWS.  In case you aren't familiar, that's NICE WRITER SYNDROME.

Who knew that I'd have trouble killing off favorite characters?  I even have trouble torturing them!  Since I love to read whodunits and especially serial killer and forensics stuff, this just amazes me.  While I'm not diabolically evil, I'm no goody-two-shoes.  A little tasering, a few bullets; it's fiction. What could it hurt?  I should be able to do this.

Of course, the first character I was trying to off is based on a good friend.  Thinking that must be the issue, I moved on to the next character, who was purely fictitious.  But no, I had to go take a walk and several deep breaths before I could wreak havoc upon her.  And then I felt guilty.

There is definitely something wrong with me, and the prognosis isn't good. to become more evil?  Ideas, anyone?  Please save me from a life of writing cookbooks!

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time