Friday, July 26, 2013

Half a Cake


I was raised by semi-gracious Southerners, and I like to think my manners are decent.  So I was surprised when my even-tempered husband flew off the handle:  “Half a cake?  You can’t be serious!  You can’t take someone half a cake!”

“What?” I said.  “Of course you can.  Everyone is happy to get cake.  I’d be happy with a piece, or even a bite!  And besides, it has chocolate icing.”  But he remained incredulous.

I had innocently proposed taking our new neighbors half a cake that I’d just baked.  But somehow my Yankee husband, who is not even obliged to have good manners, found this to be totally unacceptable.  The way he carried on, you’d think I was taking them a sack of poop.

So I asked him if he’d be offended if someone brought him half a cake.  He said he was quite certain that he’d be highly offended, even though he loves cake.

His thinking:
Receiving half a cake would send anyone spiraling into a low self-esteem abyss.  It would make anyone question why they weren’t good enough to receive a whole cake.  It would also make you wonder who ate the other half.

My thinking:
Someone thought enough of me to bring me cake!  How much cake is totally irrelevant.  I love people who bring cake; I’m easy that way.


So I have to ask you, my friends:  Is receiving half a cake offensive to you?  I know it’s a glass half full/glass half empty kind of proposition, but I’d really like for you to settle this argument once and for all.  Please leave a comment and let us know what you think.  And if you want to, just drop off half a cake!

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time