Friday, May 9, 2014

The Hazards of Over-thinking

Recently I've been thinking about a change in direction.  Well, I shouldn't say recently.  I've actually been thinking about it for a long time.  In fact, I've been thinking about it so long that some of my early steps toward this goal are no longer valid.  Now I'm having to begin again! 

There were many reasons I didn't jump when I first wanted to:  fear, financial reasons, fear.  Did I mention fear?  But I knew it was a move I wanted to make and I felt good when I sat still with it.  I usually trust my feelings more than my intellect.

But I sure can find a lot of reasons not to move forward now.  It is always easier to think of moving forward later

Yet there is nothing so frustrating to me as that unrelenting feeling of stuckness--of being in a place that is not good for me to be in.

If I truly trust my feelings more than my intellect, why am I over-thinking things? Fear of making a wrong decision and fear of failure rank right up there on my list.

But sometimes you can sit still so long when you know you need to make a move that opportunities simply pass you by.

Fortunately for me, I'm 55 years old.  My new mantra has become: "If not now, when?"  So I'm learning to jump.  If I fail, it certainly won't be the first time.  If I become miserable, it will likely be a different kind of miserable than I've experienced when feeling stuck.  At least I won't have to look back later on and say to myself: "Why the heck didn't I try that?"

Is there something in your life that you're over-thinking? While I'm not endorsing total recklessness, I'm asking you to consider (but not over-think) your reasons for stalling.  And then do it, anyway!  Would love to hear your thoughts on this, if you're so inclined.  And thank you for reading!

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time