Friday, May 10, 2013

The Transparency Conundrum


In these days of rampant oversharing online, it’s sometimes tempting to conceal (or at least not expose) your personal beliefs.

As a freelancer, I try not to alienate my audience, which is quite diverse.  At the same time, sometimes it is difficult to wade through Facebook, blog or Twitter posts without expressing an individual opinion.  So far at least, I have mostly avoided “liking” or “disliking” any post having to do with politics or religion.  Right now that seems like a pretty big avoidance curve, and it’s frustrating to practice.

But as a person who holds both spiritual and political beliefs close to my chest, being transparent could also be considered a push and a chore, and maybe even a violation of my personal code.  At the same time, I don’t want to be perceived as someone in the middle of the road who is afraid to make a stand.

There are some who say that being transparent is the only way to live; Jeff Jarvis has many interesting thoughts on this topic.  Yet there are dangers, too.  Putting yourself out there opens you up to all kinds of criticism.  It can alienate the people you seek to attract and connect with, and can even limit job options.  And sharing too much can, of course, make you look like you lack tact and good sense.


Then again, there are those who believe that if you are authentic and forthcoming, you will attract like-minded people and be a more genuine human being.  You will draw people who support your beliefs and welcome your candor.  Perhaps you could even say that you are on a path to fulfill your personal mission.

But more and more, I still find myself wondering whether it’s more uncomfortable to share or not to share.

I’m still sorting all this out for myself, and would love to hear your thoughts on how you handle these issues.  Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email, depending on your sharing comfort level.  And thank you for reading!

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time

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