Friday, April 15, 2011

Going Postal

There are four guitars in our house.  Why?  Because none of them plays quite right.  (Turns out I’m tone deaf.)

There are six cameras in our house.  Why?  Because none of them sees quite right.  (Turns out I have a contrast problem with my eyes.  I’d taken every camera I bought back to the retailer complaining before I figured this out.)

Just the other day I was ready to go postal on an equine supply company that shipped us vaccines.  Why?  The vaccine vial turned over in the fridge and caused a big mess.  Not to mention that vaccines are terribly expensive.

I was ready to pounce on the company about the defective seal on the vaccine vial, but due to extreme fatigue I put it off for another day.  Good thing, because a fresh morning revealed that the vaccine vial was intact.  What had actually happened was that the box wine valve had pressed up against the milk when the fridge door was closed, and sticky Chillable Red wine (AKA “spilled vaccine”) was everywhere.

I’ve discovered that most of my “road rage” type moments occur when I’m tired and spent, and my immediate reaction is to blame someone else.  Might be time to take a deep breath and a moment, and be accountable for myself.  But then again, why do that when I can blame you? J

What is it in your life that you’re not getting quite right?  And are you blaming it on someone else?  (I think my husband can attest to my prowess at this…)
Feel free to share accounts of your own blaming moments.  I’d love to hear them.
Marianne Smith
Writer At The Ranch

Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time

1 comment:

  1. You are spot on Marianne. I do this ALL the time. Your shared thoughts has made me think. THANKS!
