Friday, November 25, 2011

Decompression: The Other White Meat

I think the day after Thanksgiving is for blowing off steam.  We’ve all been unnaturally gracious and thankful, and we need to let out a collective deep breath.

The Black Friday thing is way too over the top for me.  It’s hugely ironic:  Yesterday we were gracious and thankful, so today we can be mercenary and maniacal.  We can make retail workers get up before dawn (we may choose to, but I bet they would not…), we can pepper spray the other shoppers, and get exactly what we need for Christ’s birth.  But I digress…

So back to decompression.  What are your favorite ways to decompress?  I like to exercise to let off steam.  Today it was an easy paddle in the kayak, but jumping on the treadmill or doing a Pilates workout also deflate my excess energy.

Photo By Marianne M. Smith on Black Friday (Center Hill Lake, TN)

I asked my husband his favorite way to decompress, but I can’t repeat what he said in an internet post J.

Decompression is a very useful tool in my arsenal, and, I hope, in yours.  Some might say that watching TV is decompressing, but I think it’s a little more intentional than that.  To me, decompressing is not passive.  It’s about setting out to drain off some excess energy.

And no matter what works for you, I think shedding some of this over the top energy is necessary during (and after) the holidays.  We usually have demands and family obligations thrust upon us.  If you can escape these, I’m envious.  But most of us do more compromising during the holidays than we do any other time of the year.

Give yourself a break during this long holiday weekend, if you can.  Take a deep breath and think about some ways you can intentionally decompress.  After all, you need your energy in top form to get ready for Christmas! J

How do you decompress?  Share your thoughts and inspire someone else!  Feel free to leave a comment.

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. I'm too decompressed to write. Very good idea.

  2. I agree Marianne. We need to decompress more often. It's giving ourselves 'permission' to not follow the herd, not race the rats and to do as you say, 'let out the deep breath' but to take in some deep ones too instead of always panting in exhaustion!

  3. Laurie: Love your take on simply doing less. It's brilliant! I need to do more (or is it LESS :) of that!

    Stingray: Thank you! I hope you have gotten some rest!
