Friday, February 3, 2012

Top Ten Life-Changing Health Tips for Baby Boomers

I’m not a doctor; I only play one on TV.  But seriously, I have been obsessed with the concept of a healthy lifestyle for as long as I can remember.  I’m certainly no poster child.  I often make unhealthy choices, and I teeter on the edge of stress-overload frequently. 

But I’m doing better.  And so can you.

I’m sharing my own top ten list of ways to make your life healthier, Boomers.  If you’re already doing them all, kudos to you!  If you learn a few things, that’s even better.  And I hope you’ll also share your own health secrets with me.  I’d love to hear them!

1.   Cook everything you can in pure coconut oil to improve your memory.  Here’s why!   Thank you, Mary Ann Robinson, for bringing this tip to my attention!

2.   Manage your stress by using both sides of your brain for a single task as often as you can.  For example, I’m currently using a dance fitness DVD.  I’m learning the steps with the left side of my brain, and doing the actual movement with the right side of my brain.

3.   Eat fresh/limit preservatives.  Buy locally; know where your food comes from.  Even better, grow it yourself and eat it at its peak!  And the gardening itself contributes to your health and flexibility.

4.   Stay active physically and socially.  Social media is good for you!  But don’t give up in-person contact.   Everyone needs a sense of community.  If you live in the middle of nowhere like I do, this is especially important!

5.   Take supplements, especially to support your weak spots.  If you’re not sure what to take, spend some time with Andrew Weill, MD.  Don’t dismiss supplements; they've made a world of difference in my own health and in the health of friends and family members.

6.   Get regular check-ups, but use common sense about how often to have invasive tests and x-rays.  If you don’t have a family history of XYZ, it may not be necessary to be constantly screened.  Take responsibility for your own health.  That includes finding a physician that you trust.

7.   Pay special attention to your teeth.  They are a good indicator of your overall health, and you really can’t do without them.

8.   Stay involved in something you feel passionate about.  Finding your passion is one of the keys to longevity.

9.   Be a caretaker for someone else.  Make that daily phone call to check on an elderly friend.  Volunteer occasionally at your local soup kitchen or food pantry.  If you don’t like structure, practice “random acts of kindness.”

10.   Connect spiritually, whatever that means to you.

Be well, my friends!  And don’t forget to leave that comment about what’s working for you in your own pursuit of health and happiness.  And, as always, thanks for reading!

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. All good suggestions. I already do some and worry about taking such good care of myself that I will live longer than I want to! Not everyone's problem, I know.

  2. Stingray: If you worry about living longer than you want to, you're definitely doing it right :) But I do hear you loud and clear--quality of life is pretty dang important!

  3. We give coconut oil to our two dogs. Pricey but their coats are awesome and I rub a little into my hands each day. I also agree about the left brain/right brain work. I just started Zumba and to a non-dancer, it's more mentally taxing than physically taxing. But I leave the class having forgotten all about work, worries and anything but step step shake, step step twist! Great read!

  4. Laurie: LOVE that you give coconut oil to your two dogs! Why didn't I think of that?! :) And Kudos on the Zumba! It's obvious that you are going to STAY smart!!!
