Friday, May 4, 2012

Shifting Gears for a Fresh Perspective

For the last six months, I’ve been working a contract where I’ve been “on call” and writing until the job is done.  I’ve also been writing on site, which is rare for me.  The job ended early this week, and I’ve been surfing luscious waves of randomness ever since.

I feel like a kid in a candy store, an inmate unexpectedly set free, an ancient woman in love!

There are no more schedules, expectations, or lovely spring days glued to a desk.  It makes me absolutely giddy.  Not that it wasn’t a great gig, mind you, or that I’m not grateful for the work and all the cool new things I learned.  But it has been awhile since I could just be.

And next week, I’ll be back in the real world, looking for more work that results in positive cash flow.  But this week, ahhhhhhhhh!

I would highly encourage you to seek out a few days where there is no agenda in your own life.  (I think we used to call these vacations, but in this economy fewer of us are heading anywhere “to relax.”)

Shifting gears brings about amazing revelations and insights.  Just do something different—anything, really.  Cook something new.  Read something new.  Plant something new.  Day-trip somewhere new and just ramble.  Re-create your job if you are lucky enough to have the freedom to do something a different way.  Try a different kind of exercise or recreational activity.  Go shopping and try on things you would never ever wear.

In only four days, my whole mental state has sharpened, expanded, and clarified.  I’m ready for all kinds of new challenges and opportunities.  This is the quickest way I know of to freshen your perspective:  Just take a few days where all you do next is what you’d like to.

I do realize that’s hard for a lot of people, and I’m probably in a better position than most to accomplish this since I live off the beaten path and have few family obligations.  But the more stressed you are, the more benefits you will gain by dropping out for a few days, or even for a few hours a few days in a row.

I bet it’s been awhile since you’ve given yourself the luxury of time and doing exactly what you’d like to.  Life is short, and the rewards are huge.  I’d love to hear about your experience shifting gears.  Feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email.

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. Good thought. I'm 'cogitating' on your suggestions. I'll get back to you.

  2. This came at a perfect time for me! Thanks for the 'permission' Marianne!
