Friday, October 12, 2012

Letting Go and Beginning Again

The continuing recession we are experiencing has wiped out several of my business ventures like a hog on ice.  It’s making me an expert at letting things go and beginning again.

Well, maybe expert is too positive a word.  But every time the rug is pulled out from underneath me, I have a choice:  I can crash, or I can walk on the new floor.

While I like the comfort of the rug, I have to say that some of the new surfaces have proven to be interesting.  And sometimes the new paths lead to something better.  Not always, but sometimes.

What I have discovered is that I have had to loosen the reins, do the best I can, and see where my horse ends up.  It is also helpful to me to trust that I am going where I need to be.

That’s not to say that I don’t still have big plans and dreams, or the drive and ambition to go after them.  I’m just learning to be more flexible about what I used to consider a failure.  If something doesn’t work, I regroup and try something else.

Frustration does set in (oh yeah, it does!), but I find it only breeds more frustration if I don’t pick myself up and move on.  Shifting gears has almost become an art form, if only out of necessity.

Are you experiencing this in your own life?  I’d love to hear about your coping mechanisms.  Please feel free to leave a comment.  And if you’re finding my blog pieces worthwhile, will you please consider becoming a subscriber or sharing my post on your favorite social media site? And thank you for reading!

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. Way to go Marianne. Most of those things have been a 'way of life' for me. I recommend it highly. And---do keep on writing.

  2. Thanks, Stingray! I always think other people will relate, but it is GREAT when you comment and let me know :) Now that that darn captcha thing is out of the way, maybe I'll get more comments! Sorry again about that! And thank you for encouraging my writing--it means a lot!
