Friday, January 4, 2013

Farkeling and World Peace


Have you ever farkeled?  Sure you have!

Over Christmas my youngest stepson and his girlfriend taught us how to farkel.  In case you think I’ve lost my mind, please allow me to explain.  Farkeling is a dice game that focuses on high stakes gambling to achieve your goal of scoring 10,000 points.  When you don’t roll the desired ones or fives that allow you to keep rolling and acquiring points, you farkel.  Farkeling is bad.  Very bad.  When you farkel you have nothing.  And you also lose what you previously felt you had.

This new-found knowledge made me start thinking about goals, achievements, and contentment.  How do we decide when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em, anyway?  And should we bloom where we are planted, or move on?

Should we keep pursuing a dream that just doesn’t seem to be materializing, or should we pack it in?

What happens if we roll the dice on our dreams and plans, and we farkel anyway?  Do we try again, or do we devise different plans?

For me, the battle is about contentment.  If I’m content, I don’t feel the need to roll the dice.  But I’m rarely content.  I’m at the point in my life where I want to try everything, because I’m getting older and the days for a do-over are narrowing.


Still, putting everything on the line for your own achievement or gain sometimes flies in the face of the greater good.  If you’re so busy trying not to farkel, you can miss your chance to contribute to world peace, or something like that…

While playing farkel with my family, I was ridiculed for my “slow and steady wins the race” philosophy.  These days the gains come slowly, and I felt extremely protective of whatever I had firmly acquired.  But I didn’t win a single game with this attitude.  In fact, I became the Queen of Farkeling.

What kind of risks are you willing to take this year to reach your goals?  Are there lines you won’t cross?  Resources you’re not willing to tap into?  And if it all goes to farkel, what’s next?  Interesting questions to ponder, and Happy New Year!

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts about what I’ve written, and how it applies to your own life.  Please feel free to leave a comment.

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. Oh my gosh...I used to love to play farkel!!! Your story makes all the sense in the world. I enjoy your writings very much, thank you!

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      You are most welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed playing farkel! I found it quite frustrating, but interesting! :)
