Friday, February 8, 2013

Wile E. Coyote: Poster Child for Perseverance


My week started off pretty much like a train wreck, and I seem to have stayed derailed.

I’ve had the kind of week that causes me to lose inspiration, hope, and the ability to dream.  In fact, I’ve had a number of those weeks in a row.

Yesterday I kind of hit the wall.  My husband encouraged me to keep trying, Wile E. Coyote style.  Wile E. never quits.

In case you’re much younger than me, Wile E. Coyote is a cartoon character created by Chuck Jones.  Wile E. is always coming up with schemes to outwit his opponents—usually The Road Runner or Bugs Bunny.  Jones originally designed the cartoon as a parody, but it became popular and took on a life of its own.

Wile E. calls himself “Super Genius,” even when his plans and contraptions fail.  He is my husband’s hero, and I am starting to like him a lot myself.  When farm projects go awry, we will often joke: “What would Wile E. do?”

Since I’d lost most of my sense of humor this week after experiencing a number of disappointments and downright failures, I walked the donkey pastures, which usually cheers me up.  No dice.  This was some serious “down on my luck” karma.  My perceived bad luck was interfering with my dreams, and my dreams keep me moving forward.


But later on I was in the backyard with our three dogs, watching a chase scene that actually made me smile.  I thought of Wile E. and how he would go back to the drawing board all the while declaring himself to be "Super Genius!"  Kind of ironic that I'm finding comic inspiration and relief in this decidedly dark week.

These days we find encouragement where we can.  When you find yourself completely frustrated and ready to give up, try watching a few of Wile E. Coyote's cartoons on YouTube, and maybe soon you'll be back in "Super Genius" mode again.  Hey, it worked for me!

Do you have your own way of regaining inspiration after getting off track?  I’d love to hear about it.  Please feel free to leave a comment.  And thanks for reading!

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. Trying to get my shop open has been a continuous downward spiral since the first of November. When I get thoroughly discouraged I look back and see how much of it was in my control and what I could have changed. Since 99% wasn't in my control and I couldn't have changed it, I try to think of the joy of opening and being able to serve my chocolates and muffins to customers. I do have days when I want to hide in bed under the cover, but that isn't going to help anything at all....besides, I would probably get bored after a few minutes. We just have to get up and face the day with the thought that it will get better, the sun will shine and things WILL go right eventually. Since "eventually" doesn't have an actual timeframe we just need to keep facing forward and wait! Hang in there! Come visit me and we can encourage each other.
    You know who I am so I'm not bothering to figure out the "select profile" thingie.

    1. Dear Anonymous :),
      I hear you about "eventually" and things being out of your direct control. Sometimes that's really hard to take. I do agree that we need to keep facing forward and hoping for the best. And yes, chocolate would definitely help!!!!
