Friday, March 15, 2013

The Treacherous Middle" border="0" alt="riptide photo: power of the soul 

This week several things in my life shifted for the better.  It seemed sudden, and I was almost giddy.  But when I spent some time reflecting, I realized that all my recent struggles with “doing the work” probably brought the shifts about.  Oh yeah, and did I mention some divine intervention?

For what seems like a very long time I have felt stuck, and unable to move forward.  I’ve been in a dry spell for so long that sometimes it seems like a permanent state.  When I’m in this kind of tunnel, I lose sight of all the wonderful places I’m heading.  “The work” becomes drudgery with no tangible results.  It’s hard to keep the faith when I’m in the middle of the journey.

I’m often beyond excited when embarking on a new adventure; beginnings are exhilarating!  And when the adventure is successful, the joy is its own reward; endings bring satisfaction and a sense of completion.  But that middle part, that’s where all the trials and tests of faith live.  That’s where you’re doing the work and don’t know if it will be successful, or even well-received.  The middle is a frightening place where you need big girl (or boy) panties and a whole lot of grit." border="0" alt="riptide photo: riptide riptide.jpg"/></a>

You’ll be tested and tested again.  You’ll forget your initial excitement and can’t even fathom completing the work.  You’ll be caught in the riptide.  As Maya Angelou says:  “It is difficult to wave to people on the shore when one is drowning.” 

If you’re smack in the middle of something difficult right now, know that you are not alone.  And the tunnel really does end.  You will come out, though maybe not as soon as you’d like.  Hanging in there is an act of faith and courage.  If that’s where you are, it’s worth celebrating, because the treacherous middle is not for the faint of heart.  Stephen King says it best:  “Talent is a wonderful thing, but it won’t carry a quitter.”

Do you have your own methods of navigating the middle?  Or a mantra that keeps you motivated?  I’d love to hear from you.  Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.  And thank you for reading!

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time

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