Friday, August 26, 2011

Looking For The Spoon

This diagram caused me to chuckle at first, but man is this true!  I’m a Baby Boomer and a Catholic school girl, so I always thought over-achievement was the norm.  As I’ve gotten older and reality has set in, my fondness for box wine has deepened.  But I digress…

The current economic slump has everyone on the over-achiever bandwagon.  Try harder!  Do this!  Do that!  If you fail, it’s your own fault.  And while I’ll happily take responsibility for my career, reality DOES factor in.  I’m kinda tired of drinking the superwoman Kool-Aid, ya know?

I grew up wanting to be a dancer.  Now I’m a writer.  Have I settled?  Should I write about dancing?  I’m 53.  Isn’t that a bit old to ditch the writing for dancing?  I have a friend my age who owns her own dance studio and dances every day!  Of course, she’s been doing that for years, but I’m sure you understand my point.  Life happens and sometimes we trade in our dreams.  Other times, they simply change.

At times I find it difficult to decide when to hold on to what I’ve got, and when to let go or move on.  I ran across this question recently and find it useful when I feel stuck:
What do I want instead of this
(And just for the record, the question keeps leading me back to writing.)

My husband said something profound today (it does happen occasionallyJ):
“If there’s a fork in the road, look for the spoon.”

There just might be some hidden wisdom in that.  Maybe if we don’t know which way to turn, we’re at the wrong intersection.

Your comments and personal experiences are always welcome.

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. Spoon, what spoon.... Advice from an old 'sage' - just keep on keeping on.

  2. Stingray: Keepin' on is good advice. Wish I had listened to sage advice earlier :) You are the role model for keepin' on!
