Friday, March 9, 2012

Faking My Way Through The Land of Faux

Faux is everywhere!  I’m used to the usual fake stuff:  sweetener, all manner of body parts, celebrity faces, and even plastic personalities.  But lately a new line has been crossed; construction materials have become fake and contractors are trying to convince us that faux is better.

Building materials have always been the last bastion of what is genuine, authentic, and reliable.  And sometimes there are exceptions, but parts and materials are usually true, honorable, and correct.  (Though we won’t get into the building profession here, as I do watch Holmes on Homes.)

Now you can have faux fireplaces, faux stone, faux wood that looks like stone, faux stone that looks like wood, faux bricks, synthetic concrete, composite wood, faux windows, and even faux laminate.  Your yard can sport faux grass, faux gravel, faux pavers, faux decking, a faux firepit, and hybrid plants.

Must everything be made of polyurethane, polyethylene, and copolymers?  I'm still not sure what is wrong with using natural building materials.  Surely here in Middle TN we have enough natural rock to supply the whole country!

Granted, some faux stuff may actually be stronger, easier to clean, and longer-lasting.  But rarely is faux less expensive.  Fake stuff is some of the highest priced stuff around, reflecting the faux economy, I guess.

The older I get the more I want things to be real, ya know?  So all this faux, faux, faux is getting under my craw, craw, craw.  I’m starting to sound like the late Andy Rooney, but my brain is just swamped with faux.  I have no more patience for bogus, baseless, unauthorized unfaithfulness!

That’s my rant for the day, friends.  Just tryin’ to keep it real! J

How do you feel about faux?  I’d love to hear your comments.

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. Yeah, and all of that stuff requires manufacturing and a lot of fuel to make it and transport it.
    I think it looks dumb. Whatever happened to real craftsmanship?

    1. Thanks for weighing in, Beau! I hear you on the real craftsmanship. You really have to search for it these days!

  2. Guess there's not enough profit margin in real craftmanship!

    1. Good point, Rice! Real craftsmanship takes time, and we all seem to be moving so fast these days.

  3. I miss Andy Rooney! And, btw M-Ann, you are such a talented writer.

    1. Andy was certainly one-of-a-kind! And thanks so much for your kind words about my writing, Bohemian Kitsch Mama. :) You just made my day!
