Friday, August 10, 2012

What Makes a Champion

We all want to be champions, right?  Like many of you I’ve been watching the Olympics nightly, and I find myself wondering why some people are champions, and some never rise above mediocrity.  I’m not talking about the difference between Gold, Silver, or Bronze.  If you’re even at the Olympics, you’re probably in the champion category.  And to my mind that even extends to being in the stands!

I’ve been pondering what makes a champion, Olympic or otherwise.  Is it focus? Intention? Desire? Raw talent? Practice? Determination? Relentlessness?  Coaching? Support from others? Luck?

I genuinely believe we all have unique talents, even if we haven’t discovered them yet.  But what makes some pursue their dreams, and others give in?  Is there an achievement gene?  What makes some content to cruise through their day, while others are attempting to achieve a personal best or world record?

We cheer for champions and cheer even louder when new records are set, and the old are broken.  We want other people to be winners and champions.  But most of us have the misguided idea that we are not of that same caliber.  “JUST DO IT” and “Be All You Can Be” are slogans for other people.

Maybe we have been fed this misinformation by parents, siblings, our spouse or significant other, classmates or friends.  Or maybe we have embraced it as a result of our own (current) established mediocrity.

You might be beyond running a record time on the track, but what would being a champion look like in your own life?  It’s a question worth examining.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about what I’ve written, and what your own experience is.  Please feel free to leave a comment.

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch

Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time

1 comment:

  1. Marianne, that is a thought I have often pondered in my mind. I think a champion is someone who lives their life to the fullest-someone who uses their talents to the fullest extent, who gives it their all-whatever that may be. We all have different talents-some are sports, some are writing, some are speaking and some are just being who you are to those who meed you. Some people's "all" may be taking a meal to a sick friend, a long phone call of encouragement to someone facing a tough time in their lives, caring for a sick friend or family member, or sitting by a friend's hospital bed. Champions are sometimes unseen, yet every bit as important as those highlighted on the news-or even more so. Being a champion means sacrifice, hard work, devotion, caring, and focusing on the goal. There are a lot of unseen champions and heroes in our lives.
