Friday, July 15, 2011

Getting Skunked: Adventures of an Animal Empath

While I’m driving one of my pups to PetSmart to get her talons clipped (why is the stuff for another blog), the image of a skunk pops into my head.  The visual is clear and distinct.  I grip the wheel tighter and soon it passes.  I don’t actually see or smell a skunk, so I find the vision interesting.

A few minutes later I have forgotten the skunk and I’m singing along with the radio.  The letters D-0-G scroll briefly before my eyes, as if a cartoon overlay is running over the traffic.  Amused but not frightened, I continue driving and wonder about the meaning of this unsolicited little movie.  (As far as I know I’m not schizophrenic or terribly emotionally disturbed.)

Arriving at PetSmart, I attempt to hang on to my pup as she drags me to the rear of the store.  We enter the grooming salon, and a cheerful tech says: “Sorry about the lingering smell.  We worked on a dog all day yesterday who got skunked.”  While I found this a bit startling, the images in the car now made sense.

I’ve learned that what I experienced is technically known as animal empathy—I’m an animal empath.  That probably explains a lot about why I’m so in tune with the animals on my farm.  An animal empath is simply someone who is sensitive to animal energy.  There are many other types of empaths, too, including human empaths, of course.

My gift seems to be getting stronger at the moment, for reasons unknown to me.  I’m trying to stay open-minded to see what I can learn from it.  Had I not experienced similar flashes before, I would certainly have questioned my sanity, or lack thereof!

My late Mom was an animal empath and a telepath, but hid her abilities for fear of ridicule.  I’m also a bit nervous about putting this out there, but it was the most interesting element in my week.  And besides, it seemed like a fun blog topic!

Wondering if any of you would be willing to share your own empath experiences?  I’d love to hear them.  They’re making my world larger.  If you think I’ve flipped a switch, that’s ok, too.  But If you’re curious and want to learn more, I can highly recommend a wonderful book: Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You by Yvonne Perry and Caron Goode.

Marianne M. Smith
Writer At The Ranch
Making You Look Brilliant One Word At A Time


  1. You might like a couple of book about animals I found years ago that were written by someone named Ted Andrews. The name of the books are 'Animal Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small' and 'Animal-Wise: the Spirit Language and Signs of Nature.' The basic premise of both books is that animals come into your life for a reason. God or Nature or whatever or whoever is trying to tell us something. The animals we come across are trying to send us a message about what is happening or going to happen in our environment. If a skunk comes into our lives we may need to look at issues of boundaries. They give three warnings before they spray. If boundaries are being intruded upon, skunks give two warnings and if necessary spray away on the 3rd. There are other things too like the color of the animal and their habits and prey or if they are prey things about the predators that feed on them. It has lots of interesting stuff and I tend to learn a lot about the animals I have come across. I sounds like the skunk is sending you a message, if you believe what they say.

  2. JC: I have Animal Speak on my office shelf--great book! I haven't read Animal Wise yet, but now it's on my list. Thank you!!! Great point about the skunk symbolism. I got so focused on the vision that I completely overlooked that!

  3. Great post, Marianne. Isn't it wonderful to be able to get messages like these to affirm Spirit is truly at work in you!

    I'm a Ted Andrews fan myself, JC from TN.
